Senior NodeJS Developer


Ho Chi Minh




4 五 4 五

Job type




Job ID


NIC’s Client


● Accountable for designing and building advanced applications using node.js

● Analyzing user stories and participating in sprint planning, scrums, demos and retrospectives

● Accountable for performance and usability in all solutions

● Accountable for working with outside data sources and APIs

● Coordinating with Architect team on new designs and foundational / infrastructural application changes

● Coordinating with Architect team and front-end team to design RESTful APIs

● Collaborating with cross-functional teams to define, design, and ship new features

● Integrating back-end services

● Understanding the need for optimized / customized mobile service responses / payloads

● Accountable for Unit-test code for robustness, including edge cases, usability, and general reliability

● Accountable for working on bug fixing and improving application performance

● Ensuring the performance, quality, and responsiveness of applications

● Accountable for maintaining code quality, organization and automatization

● Accountable for continuously discovering, evaluating, and implementing new technologies to optimize development efficiency

● Learning new technologies when required

● Performing peer code reviews for immediate and related teams

● Understanding of continuous integration / continuous delivery concepts and the ability to troubleshoot related issues

● Assisting the QA team with new product releases and bug fixes for products
● Providing architectural direction on behalf of the architect

● Providing estimates for new initiatives

Job Requirement:

● Autonomous, proactive, and fun to work with

● Excellent English, both written and verbal

● Expert proficiency in ECMAScript 6; basic familiarity with ECMAScript 7 and TypeScript

● Professional experience building GraphQL web services using Koa or Express

● Complete understanding of HTTP protocol fundamentals

● The ability to understand business requirements and translate them into technical requirements

● Professional experience writing and maintaining automated tests using Mocha, Chai and Sinon.

● Excellent Git fundamentals

How to stand out

● AWS DynamoDB, ElasticSearch, Kinesis, and S3 experience

● Contributions to open source

● Continuous integration and deployment experience

● Docker toolchain experience

● Familiarity with V8 Javascript engine internals

● Any additional programming languages


○ Direct billing health insurance○ Flexibility on annual leave request○ Complimentary coffee, snacks and fresh fruits every day○ Lots of afterworks, team building and company outings