After Sales Engineer Electrical


Hồ Chí Minh

Mức lương

- 18,000,000 VND


2 năm

Job type

Toàn thời gian cố định


Điện / Điện tử

Job ID


Mô tả công việc

– Complete inverter commissioning and maintenance
– Complete the troubleshooting of the on-gird inverter and guide customer to perform simple troubleshooting
– Feedback customer opinions and improve customer satisfaction
– Complete the management and tracking of spare parts
– Complete training for customer engineer

Kỹ năng yêu cầu

- Possess electrical knowledge and at least one year electrical work experience - Adapt to business trips - Have a strong sense of work responsibility and good communication skills - Accept outstanding university graduates. - Languge: English/ Chinese - Willing to travel to some provinces for business such as: Binh Thuan, Binh Phuoc, Long An, ...


- Working time: depend on customer requirement and actual work task - Weekly day off: 4 days per month - If business trip,500.000 VND per day