Land Acquisition Team


Hồ Chí Minh

Mức lương

1,500 - 2,000 USD


3 năm

Job type

Toàn thời gian cố định


Bất động sản

Job ID


Mô tả công việc

– To identify land owners and relation person of the land rights on the area that will be acquired for project, substation and transmission line right of ways. The identifications include but not limited to name, occupation, social status, supports to the project, etc.
– To negotiate the land price with the land owners for the land that is being acquired.
– To understand the land issues in the village, district, and regency.
– To understand land used, zoning, forestry area, air force/military area, restrict area
– To provide land market price to the company. The price should be fair and reasonable. In order to do this, he/she needs to do an independent survey to the community.
– To manage land aggregator/owner with land agreement according to payment milestone
– To coordinate with local government on land certificate, land survey, demarcation, public road, dispute area etc.
– Establish and develop standard operating procedures (SOPs) on land acquisition.
– Establish and develop land acquisition strategy and implementation plan.
– Develop land information system (LIS) and data entry system.
– Appoint and work with a certified independent land valuation to assess land values.
– Work with engineers to determine the land area that will be acquired for the projects.
– Conduct social survey and prepare social mapping to understand the key persons in the community in land acquisition.
– Work with an independent lawyer to prepare land documents and verify that the land documents are legally acceptable.
– Work with a local government to finalize land sale transactions and sign all land documents.
– Work with land survey to map land parcels that have already identified for payment.