Senior Front-end Developer


Ho Chi Minh




5 year 5 year

Job type

Full-Time Permanent



Job ID


NIC’s Client

Job Description

Key duties:
• Communicate and coordinate effectively in English with other developers and managers to ensure optimal progress towards our goals
• Develop agile and world-class front-end solutions that integrates with the API’s of Social Networks, third-party systems as well as our own in-house systems
• Develop fully responsive, user-friendly, feature-rich and modern UI and UX
• Work closely with outsourcing partners in developing our web and apps

Required skills

Requirements: • Demonstrate solid working knowledge of the required technologies/platforms and frameworks • Minimum 5+ years of relevant experience • Highly creative • Frameworks & Standards (960 Grid / Bootstrap / Supersize / Less / Skeleton / Responsive Grid / Columnal / Compass / Foundation..) • Photoshop / Illustrator • JavaScript (jQuery / jQuery Mobile / MooTools / YUI / Page Effects Plugins..) HTML5 / CSS3 • PSD to HTML / CSS • Responsive (Mobile) • Cross-Browser / Cross-Platform • W3C Standards • Speed Optimization (JSmin / CSSmin.. / Image Optimization..)