Payroll services in Vietnam

Payroll outsourcing services provide a total solution package for payroll included employees' salaries, wages, bonuses, net pay, and deductions.

Benefits of choosing payroll service at NIC

Time savings / Productivity

Outsourcing payroll allows employers to concentrate on their core business and frees up the business owner,...

Cost reduction ​

The direct costs of processing payroll can be greatly reduced by working with a payroll provider...

Avoid penalties / Mistakes

Penalties for errors, omissions or late payroll tax filings can be very costly. Payroll mistakes are painful, angering employees...

Team of Experts

Many firms do not realize how much time and money they are wasting on manual human resource management tasks,...

Enhanced Security

How safe and secure is payroll data on the company’s server or network?..

Time savings / Productivity: Outsourcing payroll allows employers to concentrate on their core business and frees up the business owner, human resources or accounting personnel to work more on strategic tasks that could ultimately affect your bottom line. Regardless of the number of people employed by your business, attending to payroll demands a great deal of time and attention to detail.

Cost redution: The direct costs of processing payroll can be greatly reduced by working with a payroll provider. Customers don’t have to worry about your payroll processing company calling in sick, resigning, wanting to take a vacation OR wanting to request a possible maternity leave that you have to pay for.

Avoid penalties / Mistakes: Penalties for errors, omissions or late payroll tax filings can be very costly. Payroll mistakes are painful, angering employees and not reporting timely or accurately to the local authority. The Government rules and regulations are always changing and business owners can’t be expected to stay on top of these changes. Professional payroll providers, on the other hand, must stay current with rules, regulations, and changes in tax rates and keeping up to date on all of the changes that could affect your payroll, ensuring that you stay in compliance.

Team of Experts: The customer can take advantage of available expertise from payroll companies with a team of experts who handle many areas of Human Resources and Payroll needs.

Enhanced Security: How safe and secure is payroll data on the company’s server or network? This is a very real question that can consume a business owner’s energy and attention as well. Payroll services have technologies that can spot and alert clients to various types of payroll fraud. Additionally, online payroll solutions offer a “safe haven” for your confidential payroll data.

How to calculate business salary?

Generally, employees are paid at a set rate, either on an hourly or salary basis. Payroll service in Vietnam, employers are obligated to pay Social Security, Medicare, workman’s compensation and taxes for each employee.

Let NIC set up the solution for you

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