Warehouse Management System Developer


Ha Noi


1,500 - 3,000 USD


3 year 3 year

Job type

Full-Time Permanent


Architecture/Interior Design

Job ID


NIC’s Client

Job Description

Job Description:
• Communicate with the Project Managers on daily basis
• Understanding system/instructions/request from HQ and schedule, distribute task among team members
• Hands-on coding and Leading coding team (Develop, test and implement)
• Review and evaluate codes written by team members

Main Projects:
• Developing Warehouse Management System : The system would effectively and efficiently track inventory, handle logistics & manage warehouse. The WMS system would feature User Dashboard and Admin Panel with CMS, statistics & analytics reports. The WMS system will be integrated with popular ecommerce platform.
• Supporting: Customization of NetSuite using NetSuite API and development and maintenance of other business system such as dropship operation system , item code generator and data converter for batch processing.

• 3+ years experience developing web applications.
• Computer science degree, diploma or equivalent experience .
• Excellent working knowledge of modern PHP 5.3+ development
• Able to write, debug, and optimize SQL queries
• Experience working with MVC frameworks, such as Laravel, Symfony
• Ability to prioritize coding tasks and ship code quickly and regularly
• Expertise in modern JavaScript development ( node, npm, requirejs, vue.js ).
• Experience with HTML 5, XML and CSS
• REST OAuth api’s to connect to mobile and desktop apps securely.
• Familiarity with common software design patterns.
• Experience in writing unit tests and acceptance tests.
• Solid understanding of test-drive development
• Passion about producing elegant, maintainable code.
• Able to communicate in English