Dear NICERS & Families,
Last Monday, August 1, 2022, the 20th-Anniversary Celebration of NIC GROUP was successfully organized, at FLC Quy Nhon Resort, gathering NICERS & their Families from across the country to attend the event.
On this occasion, the Board of Directors of NIC GROUP would like to express our special thanks to all NICER generations who have contributed to our development during the last 20 years.
By applying core values “ Think Creatively, Do Actively, Be Responsible, Share Success Together” during two decades of development, NIC GROUP has grown from a start-up company to a multisector corporation. This is the success of all employees working at the Group. From the management level to employees or workers, each NICER’s dedication is an indispensable part of our development journey.
Your presence in the event is a great happiness for NIC GROUP. The event organization process cannot avoid some shortcomings, we hope to receive your understanding.
Chairman cum General Director of NIC GROUP – Mr. Than Van Hung
Once again, we would like to congratulate and sincerely thank the efforts of each NICER. Wishing NIC GROUP a lot of success in the future and always being the warm second home for our NICER family

Watch the video: 20th Years Anniversary (click here)